Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Quality Enhancement Plan

As most of you know, as part of our college accreditation, we developed a Critical Thinking initiative to meet the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) requirements. Information about the QEP can be viewed at This is an effort to help support the maturation of students and to remind ourselves of the value in thinking critically. At the same time, the critical thinking initiative is not intended to create additional barriers for students to reach their goals. We must demonstrate high expectations but equally important we must demonstrate high support in order to give our students the tools to succeed. In spring semester, colleagues worked to develop a number of pilot critical thinking rubrics and activities. Full implementation for the QEP will begin this fall. A summary of the implementation plan outlines the critical thinking activity options, methods for reporting, and fall QEP Implementation workshops. We will report our progress to SACS in 2011 as part of our accreditation interim report. Thank you for helping improve critical thinking and for fulfilling our accreditation requirements.

1 comment:

Sally Herlong said...

I feel strongly that each of these improvements (registration dates, placement scores, and attendance) will result in greater student success. Great work YTC!!!!