Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Welcome to the YTC Blog! The purpose of this blog is to share with you what's on my mind and important College information. My goal is to post a new comment each week, although there may be more than one a day. The blog will be available through spring, when we hope to culminate the planning process. I encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to share your thoughts by commenting on the posts. Also, if you want to receive email notifications of new posts, just signup by clicking the subscription button on the sidebar on the right.

Please remember to sign up for a planning session. I hope you have a wonderful fall semester!


Deborah Tertinger said...

I appreciated the meeting today. I like a participatory approach to planning for an organization. Thanks! Lunch was good as well.

Cree said...

Thank you for this opportunity. It is a unique idea. I am looking forward to seeing what shows up!!

Rick Whisonant said...

The second biggest complaint (the first being of course tuition) of parents is the lack of transparency of college transfer courses from two year institutions to four year institutions. State legislatures are also hearing a lot of complaints from their constituents. CHE stated publicly that it’s up to the colleges to provide them with the information. Do you see the sixteen two year college presidents beginning a process so that perspective students, current students and parents could go to one location on the internet or go to their two year college of choice web site and see specifically what courses will transfer to a certain four year college and in their specific major?

Teresa Smith said...

I am very thankful for this institution and what it stands for. I appreciate your candor and involvement of the College as a whole in moving forward and achieving the mission and goals of YTC! I am confident that together we CAN make YTC the best place to work and learn. Thanks again so much!

Unknown said...

I look forward to working within the new management processes. I appreciate the new channel(s) of communication. "Theory Y"? I have lots of ideas. Some of them are pretty good.

Tom Suggs said...

Great Program! I liked your originality in presenting your information. Group and individual activities were good "mixers" and kept everyone's interest.
I look forward to helping in the planning process for YTC' growth and future.
Lunch was super! Thanks.

JeffLyon said...

Thank you for a fresh approach to our beginning of the year meeting. We all look forward to a productive school year.

When everyone is considered and treated as a team player, a sense of trust, loyalty, pride, and ownership is established.

greg said...

Thanks for everyone's comments. In reference to Rick Whisonant's concern, I find this issue to be frustrating as well. I have heard a version of what Rick mentions concerning a website. I am not clear on where that idea is right now or who “owns” it. This issue of transferability and transparency is important and one that I have spoken about with the other presidents and with the chief academic officers. It does seem to be a tough nut to crack and presently outside my circle of influence. I hope to have an impact but will need to focus on some other issues before I can impact that one. In the mean time, I will continue to try and keep it on the list at the State level and let you know what I find out.

LSturgis said...

You are exactly right, Rick! The issues of transferability and transparency are something we continually review between our college and senior institutions. There currently exists the "list of 86" which is the statewide articulation list of universally transferable courses from the state's technical colleges to all pubic-four year colleges; however, many of you know courses on this list do not necessarily transfer easily, especially into specific majors.

York Tech is not alone in dealing with problems of courses not transferring to senior institutions. I've discussed these problems at recent meetings with representatives from our sister colleges. Though there is not an easy solution, there is open discussion at State Tech about the problems with transfer courses and credits students receive. When I have additional information to share, I'll be happy to do so. In the mean time, if you have ideas or suggestions about how I can better serve the needs of our transfer students, please don't hesitate to give me a call.